Local level activities carried out in Romania and their results:
A series of activities were carried out during the project, as follows:
A1: launching and promoting the project; creating the project logo and promotional materials;
A2: applying questionnaires about local/national stereotypes;
Chestionar stereotipuri din cultura locala
survey analysis local stereotypes
A3: research activities to identify the most representative 3 stereotypes for each country, as they are illustrated in literature and national folklore. A 2017 Calendar picturing these stereotypes was created;
A4: activities using innovative methods to study two important events from a person’s life (baptism and matrimony) and to identify similarities/differences between religions;
A5: activities focused on environmental stereotypes using questionnaires. Each partner created a flyer entitled “We are not as people sayˮ designed to turn 3 negative stereotypes into positive ones;
We are not as people say flyer
A6: workshops on the theme “From behavioral deviations to violence is only one step”, outlining the risks of the inadequate behavior and its consequences;
A7: analysis of the project activities carried out up to that moment and preparing the intermediary reports;
A8: intermediary reports;
A9: activities to identify stereotypes about the ethnies and turn them into positive ones. Each ethny prepared a short artistic performance that was recorded and reunited under the title “The ethnies Carnival”. The Romanian partner also created a set of postcard picturing different ethnies from the local community;
A10: survey applied about “cool kids”, “rebels” and “geeks”. Diminishing these stereotypes was made through “peer to peer” learning activities and extracurricular activities. A 2018 Calendar was created to promote volunteering activities.
A11: learning activities using different ICT instruments in class to diminish the stereotype “it is difficult to study” and to improve the students’ performance.
A12: stereotypes about the disabled people were diminished through activities during TA. Students evaluated the necessity of inclusive education through workshops, lectures, role-plays and experiments.
A13: a mini touristic guide was created to diminish stereotypes about spending the holiday in the country of each of the other schools. Study and documentation visits were organized.
A14: activities about the environmental stereotypes: identifying and analyzing these stereotype through questionnaires.
A15: a 2019 Calendar was created to illustrate the main project results.
A16: the final report was written.